Who is Tutoring for?
A question we get all the time! Who needs tutoring? Is tutoring right for my child? Who is tutoring for?
There are so many different groups of children who find tutoring beneficial for so many different reasons.
· Children who are working ‘below age related expectations’ and need help to catch up
· Children who are working ‘at expected’ but want to push towards ‘exceeding expectations’
· Children who are ‘exceeding expectations’ and need a chance to be challenged and reach their full potential
· Children with low confidence or low self-esteem
· Children with specific learning needs such as dyslexia or dyscalculia
· Children with gaps in their learning for various reasons
· Children who love to learn and enjoy extra teaching time
The list goes on. But if you feel that a tutor may be a good option for your little one, the best thing to do is to try! We offer your first lesson for free so that you can have a chance to try it out and see how much it benefits your little one!